"Modernist Cuisine" Recognized by IACP, James Beard Foundation

ICE Alumni Round-Up

From running award-winning restaurants to writing notable cookbooks, ICE alumni continue to win accolades and receive attention for their success.

Alumni Round-Up

Check out just some of the alumni finding success and making recent headlines.

The were announced and ICE alumni are on the list of finalists:

  • Jamie Tiampo (Management, ’06) was nominated in the Video Webcast category for EatTV.
  • Maxime Bilet (Culinary, ’05) was nominated, along with Nathan Myhrvold and Chris Young, in the Cooking from a Professional Point of View category for their book, "Modernist Cuisine."
  • Tertulia got a nod for Best New Restaurant, where Anup Joshi (Culinary, ’04) is chef de cuisine.

Christine Krupin’s (Culinary, ’12) blog post "" about her time on externship was just published in the Huffington Post.

Maxime Bilet (Culinary, ’05) and the team from the Cooking Lab won for their book, "Modernist Cuisine."

Bravo announced that Gary Walker (Culinary, ’03) will be one of the contestants on its new show, "."

Jami Liverman (Pastry, ’02/Culinary, ’03) was profiled in for his work combining a passion for food and a passion for fitness.

Chris Durso (Culinary, ’08), the creater of Fooddiggity.com, was profiled on the Good Food Jobs blog, The GastroGnomes.

Denisse Oller (Culinary, ’03/Management, ’07) can be seen in videos in her series of recipes on Fox News Latino.

To network with these ICE alumni and many more, you can connect with Career Services on or .